HMS Construction is a specialized General Engineering and Electrical contractor. We provide full-service design-build capabilities in Light Rail Systems, Fiber Optic Infrastructure, Utility Power Systems, Military Medical Maintenance and Repair, and Renewable Energy Systems.
We are a veteran-owned company.
The scope of work for this project included 20MW of upgrades to the existing 46Kv substation.HMS was the turn-key subcontractor for the installation of 4-5MW transformers, switchgear, SF6 circuit breakers, air switches, metering equipment, and modifications to the existing steel support structure. Site work included concrete spill containment, transformer pads, underground duct banks, manholes, and primary cable installations.HMS also assisted with coordination between Hawaiian Electric and Base Facilities to minimize outages.
This project was done as a sub to Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC). HMS installed over 350 miles of duct bank, vaults, and fiber optic cable, ranging from 12 counts to 432 counts, along with the termination shelters and end equipment. This installation was performed at Ft. Irwin, the Army National Training Center. The project enhanced training and communication capabilities at that installation. This contract was completed in 2008.
Directional Drilling, Steel Pipe and Casing, Slip Lining Sewer Mains, Swedge Lining.
Owner : USACE
Owner : Plus Power
Owner : US Army