The work consists in general of the construction of a dedicated Bus Rapid Transit guideway within the existing median of East Palomar Street, from Olympic Parkway to Magdalena Avenue, a bridge over SR 125, from Magdalena Avenue to Town Center Drive, and roadway improvements within an existing landscaped area, from Town Center Drive to Birch Road, in the City of Chula Vista, California, as well as the construction of transit stations within the Santa Venetia and Otay Ranch Town Center areas of the Otay Ranch Master Plan Community of Chula Vista. The HMS Construction work generally includes but is not limited to, all labor, material, equipment, transportation, and incidentals necessary to complete the electrical and communication on this project. Work includes mobilization, traffic signaling, station electrical, and communication improvements. Installation includes modification of traffic signals to provide transit system priority over the length of the corridor; construction of energy efficient street lighting; construction of fiber optic communications and traffic signal interconnect systems within the entire corridor. Initial construction begins in the Fall of 2016, with completion planned for early 2018.